Volker Armin Hemmann writes:

sounds like a power problem.

Either psu is gone bad (get a new one)

Well, I got three old ones instead :)

or your mainboard's power circuitry gone bad (if replacement of psu does not
help, get a new one).

It did not help :( Too bad, I probably need a new mainboard. And I cannot get one before monday evening, I have to go to a wedding tomorrow (not mine) and I doubt I will have time to find a hardware store there.

But first thing first: disconnect your hdds! No reason to risk them.

I did that soon. I already had trouble with one two weeks ago, it had bad blocks on the home partition. The replacement drive also had bad blocks, I had to get yet another one. It's a good thing to have recent backups :)

And there, it just crashed while in the BIOS setup.


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