Paul Hartman writes:

> If you are using a video card (instead of built-in/on-board video) I
> would try a different video card, if you have an old or spare one. I
> have had lots of video cards die from overheating and power spikes.

Sorry, I did not mention that I do not have a video card, it's onboard
video. I do not need great video power, and I wanted to have a quiet PC
that also saves power.

> I only had one motherboard ever die, a computer I gave to my father
> died after a few months... it was ASRock brand but I'm sure that is a
> coincidence. :) It had blown/cracked capacitors all over the
> motherboard. It did not die completely at once. It would "kind of"
> work, but started to crash randomly and became worse and worse until
> finally it wouldn't boot at all. I replaced the MB, but kept the same
> CPU, RAM everything else, and it has been working ever since. That was
> after we bought a new power supply that didn't make any difference.

I'd also say this is unusual. I had a board die, but that was my own
error :)

Well, all I can do now is to get a new board and see if things will be
okay then.

Thanks for all your responses! I know this is not really related to
Gentoo, but that's what I love this list for, people are very helpful
and competent here.


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