Dale spent two cents:

Just my two cents here.  Problems like this are usually the power
supply.  Could it be the mobo, yes it could but the power supply is more
likely, usually cheaper to replace and easier to.  I had a friends puter
that was acting weird, random reboots and such, it was the power
supply.   A bad power supply can cause all sorts of weird problems.

Indeed. Well, so can bad capacitors or a hair crack on a motherboard, but those are rare I tink.

If you can, unplug everything including the CD/DVD drive.  No hard
drives either.  Just play with the BIOS.  Basically, don't try to boot
anything, just look at the BIOS itself.  If it acts weird, start with
the power supply.  If you have to, go to a local place and pick up a
cheap power supply.

I got three from a friend that once were mine, and I know that at least one of them is definitely working. But the effect was the same.

Random problems are hard to fix sometimes.  You just have to swap things
until you find the bad part.  I would put the odds at 80% that it is the
power supply tho.

I hoped so, as I do not have board or CPU to swap.

While at it, do you know what brand and the wattage of your power
supply?  It could be that someone on here as experience with that
particular brand or even that exact model.

I could look it up, but then, it's not new, and was one of the few parts that survived a major hardware failure half a year ago. Maybe it got damaged a little aready then. It seemed to work fine, so I kept using it. These things are not cheap, as I tend to buy quality ones that are silend and efficient.

I'll get a new board tomorrow, and hope I will have all back working soon. I'm very used to my desktop PC. I have a notebook that is way faster, but it's new and I don't have all my stuff on it yet. Oh, and it runs Windows 7... I'm not sure yet if I will a Gentoo VM, or if I will install Gentoo natively and run Windows in the VM. The best would be the option to have both, I think I read an article on how this could be accomplished. With Gentoo it's not much of a problem, I did that already, but Windows will need some tweaking. And I do not have much time for this these days.


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