Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 September 2012 10:02:49 Philip Webb wrote:
>> 120905 Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> On Tue, 4 Sep 2012 20:42:56 -0400, Philip Webb wrote:
>>>> What is the best line for  /etc/fstab ?  The only example I have is 
> :
>>>>   'tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0'
>>>> This doesn't seem to limit the size in any way.
>>> 'man mount' explains it all ...
>> Well, it outlines it (smile).
>>> ... but the option you want is size, which defaults to 50 % .
>> That looks ok : I assume that's the maximum,
>> ie it doesn't take up that much memory unless it's needed.
> The kernel only uses as much tmpfs as it needs at any given time. If it 
> needs more than has been specified, it starts rolling less active parts 
> out to swap. So if you don't have a lot of memory, you can still specify 
> more tmpfs than you have RAM and everything will just work.
> The only reason I specify a large tmpfs is to be able to compile Libre 
> Office. At other times it just isn't used.

I let mine default to half of ram but when I need to compile LOo, then I
have to manually increase it.  I guess 8Gbs isn't enough.  Come to think
of it, I updated LOo the other day and it didn't complain about it being
less than 8Gbs.  I guess it doesn't need as much as it used to.  Code
clean up??

I might also add, I see no speed improvements in putting portages work
directory on tmpfs.  I have tested this a few times and the difference
in compile times is just not there. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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