Am 05.09.2012 14:55, schrieb Adam Carter:
>>> I might also add, I see no speed improvements in putting portages work
>>> directory on tmpfs.  I have tested this a few times and the difference
>>> in compile times is just not there.
>> Probably because with 16GB everything stays cached anyway.
> Would it still be useful to use tmpfs if you wanted to keep drive
> writes down on an SSD? I imagine even tho its cached it would get
> written to disk after a timer expires, so while it doesn't affect
> performance it does reduce the drive life.

Yes. For ext{3,4}, this timer is controlled by the "commit=x" mount flag
(default: 5 seconds).

IIRC, app-laptop/laptop-mode-tools sets this to 30 so I guess it is safe
to use large values (besides the obvious risk of loosing data on system

Florian Philipp

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