Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 16. September 2012, 20:39:36 schrieb Dale:
>> The important part is about 'if you are unsure about this, say N here'.
>> Well, I don't think I need USB remote wakeup or anything so I don't
>> think I need this but at the same time, udisk is giving me notice that
>> it should be there.
> you you never thought about turning on your system via keyboard instead of 
> crawling under the table?

Actually, no.  I have one of those large HAF 932 cases that is about the
same height as my keyboard.  It's just about as easy to hit one as it is
to hit the other.  Add in that I rarely reboot either.  I don't really
see the need to use my keyboard as a power switch, not for me anyway.  I
have one that is on top of the case, which is where it should be in my

> Also it says 'if unsure, say N' not 'experimental' or 'you should say 'N' 
> here'.
> Upower wants it, so there is no 'unsure'.

Is for me since I only use the power switch to cut mine off/on.  I want
to win the lottery but I doubt I ever will, especially since I never buy
a ticket.  lol  It may want it but it did compile without me turning it
on.  So it appears that it was not a deal breaker for the package and
rather doubtful I will use it.  I just wanted to check now before it
does become a deal breaker and I am forced to reboot for this one small

>> This is a desktop system not a laptop. Do I need to listen to me not
>> needing it or udisk that says I do?
> so what? is power managment not a good idea on a desktop`

Again, see above. 

>> Opinions?
> yes, turn it on. 

I did but I doubt it will be used anytime soon.  It has joined the other
things that must be there that is of really no, or very little use, to
me.  Maybe one day that will change.  ;-) 

At least now I know another use for this option. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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