Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Dale <> wrote:
>> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>>> Am Montag, 17. September 2012, 12:57:49 schrieb Dale:
>>>> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>>>>> Am Sonntag, 16. September 2012, 20:39:36 schrieb Dale:
>>>>>> The important part is about 'if you are unsure about this, say N here'.
>>>>>> Well, I don't think I need USB remote wakeup or anything so I don't
>>>>>> think I need this but at the same time, udisk is giving me notice that
>>>>>> it should be there.
>>>>> you you never thought about turning on your system via keyboard instead of
>>>>> crawling under the table?
>>>> Actually, no.  I have one of those large HAF 932 cases that is about the
>>>> same height as my keyboard.  It's just about as easy to hit one as it is
>>>> to hit the other.  Add in that I rarely reboot either.  I don't really
>>>> see the need to use my keyboard as a power switch, not for me anyway.  I
>>>> have one that is on top of the case, which is where it should be in my
>>>> opinion.
>>> so you let your box run full power all the time?
>>> Doesn't that sound.... stupid?
>> No.  To me, turning a puter on/off whenever you walk away is sort of
>> stupid.  Me, I never know when I will be needing my puter and I don't
>> want to wait for it to boot up and get me logged in every time I want to
>> use it.  The power it pulls is about the same as me leaving a light bulb
>> on.  So, in my opinion and for my usage, leaving it on is not stupid.
>> Doing the opposite could be closer to stupid.  Same for my TV.  The only
>> time I turn my TV off is when I am leaving the house for a good long
>> while.  Before you say that I am wearing out my TV, my last TV was well
>> over 20 years old and the only repairs to it was replacing the speakers
>> that dried out.  It was still working when I ran up on this half price
>> sale for my current TV.  I gave the old TV to a friend and as far as I
>> know, it still works.
>> I'm not saying that *MY* usage should be the same as someone else's.  At
>> the same time, mine should not be the same as yours or others.  Just as
>> a example.  I'm downloading TV shows from various websites.  When I get
>> ready to go to bed, I line up several videos for download.  It may
>> download for hours while I sleep.  Heck, I sometimes wake up before it
>> gets through and I add more to the list.  I can't do that if I shutdown
>> my computer each time I walk away.
>> Stupid, not even close.
> Maybe not stupid under some definitions, but a waste of power for
> sure. When I leave my house, I hibernate my computer; that way I can
> even unplug the regulator where everything is connected, so not even
> standby energy is wasted. When I'm in my house but not on the
> computer, I suspend it.
> When I turn it on from being hibernated, it takes about 10 seconds to
> get to my full desktop. When I wake it up from suspension, it takes
> less than 2 seconds. When it is suspended, it wastes 5 watts (instead
> of 4 when it's turned off, but connected to the power grid), according
> to:
> Of course it would be more comfortable to just leave it on all the
> time. It would also be more comfortable to not separate organic and
> inorganic waste.
> Oh, and by the way, what kind of light bulbs do you use that waste as
> much power as your PC? Mine uses 15 watts; it's one of the new CFLs:
> It is more expensive, and it's a pain to dispose it; but it gives the
> same light that a 75 watts normal light bulb, and it pays itself on
> electric bills only. Also, it will last longer.
> When I moved in with my GF, her electric bill shoot up to the roof (I
> brought my 46" LCD TV, PlayStation 3, and in total 5 computers and
> other electronics). After a couple of months of shock of seeing the
> electric bills, we started to do this kind of stuff
> (suspending/hibernating our machines, using CFL instead of normal
> light bulbs, etc.), and we cut the spending almost in four.
> It is a *little* inconvenience (waiting a few seconds for the TV, the
> PS3 or the PC to wake up), but huge money savings.
> THAT is certainly not stupid.
> Regards.

I guess you pay more per Kwatt than I do then.  I would much rather cut
back on something else than my computer.

I still use the old style bulbs a lot.  I do have some of those little
swirly things but not everywhere. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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