On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:33 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> New question about HDMI.  I have a pretty nice video card that has a 15
> pin connector and HDMI.  Do I have to do anything special to use the
> HDMI or does it just send the same signal to both connectors?  I have my
> monitor hooked to the 15 pin connector but would like to hook my TV to
> the HDMI connector.  Same signal on both is fine with me.  I would just
> rather watch movies and such on my TV instead of my monitor.  I googled
> a while back and just couldn't figure out how this works.  It seems to
> me that it works different based on how it is set up or something.  My
> card is Nvidia and it is a GT220 with 1Gb of ram.  It was donated so no
> links or anything.

If you use the nvidia-drivers package you should also emerge
nvidia-settings, which has a nice GUI that will let you configure the
multiple screens and decide how you'd like to treat them.

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