> > When I need a new web-based software tool, I consider writing it myself
> > and if that isn't feasible I try to use something open-source and
> > self-hosted.  I need something for chat, task management, resource
> > management, and code management, all for groups.  I'm considering
> > Campfire, Trello, Float, and GitHub respectively, but I thought I'd
> > check with you guys to see if any of this is available in an open-source
> > and self-hosted form, especially in portage.
> >
> Usual suggestions for github alternatives are,
>   * Gitorious <http://gitorious.org/>
>   * Gitolite <https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite>
>   * Gitlab <http://gitlabhq.com/>
> None of them are very easy to set up.

I should stay away from those for now.

> If all you need to do is host git repositories, I suggest putting bare
> repos on a server somewhere and having everyone push/pull over SSH. You
> can use the bare-bones gitweb (comes with git in portage) to view the
> repos from a web browser. You'll need a separate bug tracking mechanism
> in that case.

I haven't used git before at all.  Is this pretty easy to set up?

> For task management, we get away with a wiki (Mediawiki) and personal
> TODO lists. It's fine for the people who actually use it. Getting people
> to use it is the hard part. Your bug tracker can also double as a task
> For chat, run an IRC or XMPP server.

Has anyone used an XMPP client for communication/collaboration within a
company that they would recommend?

- Grant

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