> What ive done on one of my servers is created a git user account that
> cant login interactively, or with a password. (nologin), whoever needs
> access gives me their private key and i add it to the authorized_keys
> for the git account.
> This is obvoiusly very basic and you could create users for each
> project etc, or use one of the many git server programs that will
> allow to have more fine grained access control, Just depends on your
> needs.
> For chat, ive used campfire for the chicago marathon, its not much
> more than a glorified irc system. IRC is perfectly fine if your on a
> closed network. but i would keep it off the general internet.

An IRC server shouldn't listen on an internet-facing port?  Are there
security issues?

- Grant

> resource and task management, i think eclipse and some ides have
> integrated solutions, outside of that not really sure
> - -Kevin

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