On Thu, 20 Dec 2012 13:02:46 -0800
Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> I should have specified that the people in the organization are
> >> spread out in different locations.
> >>
> >> It sounds like it is difficult/dangerous to run an internet-facing
> >> IRC server and ejabberd is unstable?
> >
> > This is what VPNs are for. I haven't really heard anything seriously
> > problematic about ejabberd outside of some folks dislike of adding
> > another language runtime.
> >
> > Whatever you decide to run internally, you're going to need to
> > become knowledgeable in its administration. This is why a fair
> > amount of folks are outsourcing communications infrastructure. Few
> > believe they have the time to learn to manage the thing properly.
> Is ejabberd difficult to run over the internet safely?

Not especially difficult. It's just another daemon that runs and does
things much like classic daemons do. It listens to one port and doesn't
do anything weird or funky.

To make it safe, you just follow regular guidelines about security,
firewalls etc. Your job is *much* easier if you intend to run a closed
server used only by users you create, which is what you intend if I
read it right.

Alan McKinnon

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