Dale wrote:
> Michael Mol wrote:
>> "you wouldn't have this problem if you did *something else*" is a
>> terrible response. There are very good reasons to use LVM. There are
>> good (IMO, at least) reasons to avoid using an initr* on Gentoo.
>> (Those reasons are sprinkled through the thread, some spoken by me,
>> some spoken by others.) You'll find most of the people in the
>> discussion so far aren't against initr* in all cases. It's the
>> increase in number of cases where it becomes technically required
>> that's a problem. -- :wq 
> You are right on LVM.  I put / on a normal partition specifically
> because I wanted to avoid a init thingy.  Only / and /boot are on normal
> partitions, everything else is on LVM.  LVM takes a bit to get used to
> but when you run out of space or have way to much space, you can move
> things around easily. 
> LVM is the best move I made in a good while.  Thanks to all the folks
> who helped be convert too.  :-D 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

*me* convert.  I proofed it three times and still missed that.  I'm a
awful typer and getting to be a bad proof reader too.  :/


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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