On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 10:42:37AM -0600, Canek Pel??ez Vald??s wrote

> No, because the problem has never been in udev (nor systemd, for that
> matter). It fixes how *Gentoo* packages udev; probably the devs read
> the following comment from Lennart (note it was written almost a month
> ago):
> https://plus.google.com/u/0/115547683951727699051/posts/jcCjMct3SJ3

  The systemd defenders are using "separate /usr" as a "wookie defense"
in an attempt to divert attention form the main issue.  Separate /usr
is actually a secondary issue.  The main issue is whether or not we get
systemd rammed down our throats.  Lennart and Kay are the people
responsible for scaring others into mdev and/or eudev.

First Kay...

> We promised to keep udev properly *running* as standalone, we never
> told that it can be *build* standalone. And that still stands.
> We never claimed, that all the surrounding things like documentation
> always fully match, if only udev is picked out of systemd.
> I would welcome if people stop reading that "promise" into the
> announcement, it just wasn't written there.

And then Lennart...

> (Yes, udev on non-systemd systems is in our eyes a dead end, in case
> you haven't noticed it yet. I am looking forward to the day when we
> can drop that support entirely.)
> Lennart
> -- Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

  The only assumption I'm making is that Kay and Lennart aren't lying.

  Kay tells us that we may eventually not be able to build udev
standalone; i.e. we may have to build systemd in order to run udev.
Gentoo users are familiar with cascading dependancies which tend to
bloat our systems, as well as introducing additional points of failure.
Lennart goes one step further and looks forward to the day that we may
not be able to run udev without running systemd.

  For those of us who do not want to build, let alone run, systemd,
these 2 messages are more than sufficient justification for the eudev

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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