On Tue, 15 Jan 2013 23:37:28 +0100
Remy Blank <remy.bl...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > But I was not able to make the problem re-appear in short reboot
> > cycles. So whatever is hanging the box is something that starts up
> > in the course of work, it doesn't appear to be there directly after
> > a KDE login.
> I have observed that kded4 and nepomukserver sometimes don't terminate
> after logging out of KDE. At the next login, I get another copy of
> each, and so they accumulate. It's so bad that I added a script to
> ~/.kde4/shutdown to "kill -9" them if they are still running 15
> seconds after logging out.
> Both processes keep open file descriptors to ~/.xsession-errors, so
> they would indeed prevent /home from unmounting.

I recall have similar issues long ago, but haven't seen anything like it
again for months now.

I just checked now and I don't even have kde-base/nepomuk *installed*
anymore. I wonder how that came about, I thought nepomuk was mandatory
for KDE4?

Alan McKinnon

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