So it is Linux' fault, that your mate used crap Hardware? That is great!
let us blame it for the weather too. And stubbed toes.
Am 16.01.2013 21:43 schrieb "Kevin Chadwick" <>:

> > I have had systems in the past who refused to boot because the
> > motherboard time was off, and at first it looked like that was the
> > problem again.
> OpenBSD takes the time from the filesystem in that case and boots. I
> wish linux did. I had a mate who used to ring me up everytime his mother
> in law unplugged the laptop and it was a laptop that's cmos was a pain
> to replace. I believe he ended up in 2034 or something after a few
> months because I told him the bios key and meant he could avoid
> fsck that sometimes gave him various problems =-)
> He was anti slow machines (Vista) and liked linux after being
> skeptical. I can't see him trying linux again now :-(
> --
> _______________________________________________________________________
> 'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
> together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
> universal interface'
> (Doug McIlroy)
> _______________________________________________________________________

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