On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 05:50 -0500, John Jolet wrote:
> On Aug 31, 2005, at 1:38 AM, Frank Schafer wrote:
> >
> > ... what about arp?
> >
> If this machine has the mac address listed on the outside of the  
> case, or he opens it up to look at the card, sure.  if you don't know  
> what the mac address is....then you're stuck. 

Not necessarily. If the machine has had network activity it may be shown
by arp -e.

If you have a smallish network and can identify the other machines, its
a matter of elimination. i.e. you look at the list of IP addresses shown
by arp -en and eliminate the ones you know. 

>  Of course, if it's a  
> small, home network, you could always just turn off all the other  
> computers except that one and the one you're on and ask the router  
> who's connected.  be quicker just to launch nmap and go get some coffee.

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