Hello Gentoo-Users,

I've recently done an "emerge -tuvD world" and dhcpcd was updated from
version dhcpcd-1.3.22_p4-r11 to version 2.0.0. The emerge went fine, no
error message, no note to update config-files, everything seemed to be fine.

But at the next reboot, I wasn't able to get an IP adress, and the boot
process hanged at that stage. The last thing shown looked like the MAC
adress, although I'm not sure on that.
The only thing I could do to get my working gentoo back was booting with
knoppix, chrooting and going back to the old version of dhcpcd.

Now everything works fine with the old version again, but I'd like to
know if that is a bug or if I've done something wrong.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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