On 04/06/2013 11:19 PM, Nick Khamis wrote:
> Hello Michael,
>>> Is it because you disabled udev's renaming entirely via the kernel 
>>> command-line parameter? >> Because you've done some magic in 
>>> /etc/udev/rules.d/?
> I did not change 70-something contents. I deleted it and let udev regenerate 
> it.
> The name in rules.d is net=eth0 and net=eth1 pointing to the correct
> mac address.
> Your help is greatly appreciated,

Just an FYI...when I removed them, udev did not regenerate them. You
might try removing them again (or moving them to ~root/ for
safekeeping), rebooting, and seeing what happens.

That udev regenerated them for you is very, very weird.

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