On Tue, 23 Apr 2013 21:37:52 -0400, Philip Webb wrote:

> > I've used ReiserFS3 for years with no problems,
> > but I keep hearing horror stories about it.  
> I haven't read any horror stories re Reiser 3 ,

Where have you been f0r the last ten years? A quick search of this list's
archives will reveal several.

> > My understanding is that BTRFS and EXT4 are still a bit "bleeding
> > edge".  
> My impression is that Btrfs is a bit unstable, but Ext4 is usable.
> I haven't used either.

SUSE are using btrfs in SLES, so it can't be that experimental or unstable
any more.

Neil Bothwick

A real programmer never documents his code.
It was hard to make, it should be hard to read

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