On Thu, April 25, 2013 01:48, Joseph wrote:
> On 04/24/13 22:27, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> [snip]
>>>Thank you for explanation.
>>>That is what I'm confused about.  When I connect to "pstgresql"
>>>database from the same machine as postgres is running on I can
>>>It is a local connection from localhost ( so everybody is
>>>allowed but I don't understand why users on the local network can
>>>connect to my machine and login
>>>using apache when their IP is different.
>>The connection to the database is done by apache. Apache connects from
>> the server where Apache is running.
>>Postgresql does not know nor even care where the connection to apache
>> originates from. It only sees apache connecting to it.
>>If you want to prevent people from accessing the website. You will need
>> to configure the restriction in Apache or in a firewall.
>>A webbrowser will NOT connect directly to the database. With a lot of
>> larger applications this will not even be possible because the database
>> is on a seperate server where the firewall is only allowing the webserver
>> to access the database.
>>Restricting access to a website by setting restrictions on the database
>> server uswd by the website is pointless.
>>Joost Roeleveld
> Thank you, now this is clear, so that pg_hba.conf has a limited use.

It has use for connections made TO the database by whichever application
needs the connection. Firefox is NOT such an application.

> So simple statement in apache directory: Allow from localhost
> will fix the issue.

Please check the apache documentation, I believe you also need to add a

> When it comes to database. How can I limit certain users from certain IP
> to only one database.

Will those users connect DIRECTLY to the database server?

> I don't thing this is possible via apache!
> The line: "local   all           all    trust"
> will give access to everybody.
> How those line in pg_hba.conf should look if I want user from remote
> computer to access only one database?
> Is it:
> local   my_database           all    trust
> local   others_database       all    ident alex
> Does "ident" refers to user who is allow to login into database?

Yes, provided the OS can identify the username.
Apache will likely connect using "apache".

> How to list users for a particular database?

Try using passwords instead of allowing everyone full access to all


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