On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 05:28:21PM -0500, Matt Garman wrote:
> Before this gets into a flame war, let's just operate under the
> assertion that the "best" window manager/desktop environment is
> strictly a matter of personal preference.
> So, having said that, what window manager do you use, and why?  I
> wouldn't trade the multitude of options availabe in Linux for
> anything, but the choices can be overwhelming.
> I've played with a lot of 'em, starting with fvwm, through window
> maker, enlightenment 15 & 16, icewm, gnome, xfce, kde, blackbox...
> I've been using Fluxbox for quite a while now.
> I want something that is fairly minimal/lightweight, but with a hint
> of eye candy and a functional "panel" or taskbar.  Fluxbox just
> about has this, but, I can't seem to figure out how to get a
> gnome-like panel (unless I ran gnome, which would trump the
> lighweight requirement).
> I've seen the E17 screenshots, and I'd like to run it, but it's not
> a trivial install, plus it's still alpha code (though there's plenty
> of anecdotal evidence that it's plenty stable... I'd still rather
> wait for an "official" release).
> Some interesting links, if you aren't already aware:
> http://xwinman.org/ - basic overview of available WMs/DEs
> http://www.lynucs.org/ - desktop screenshot archive
> http://www.enlightenment.org/ - best of eye candy :)
> Anyway, I was just hoping to start a "pub"-style conversation on
> what people like/disklike in a window manager.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> -- 
> Matt Garman
> email at: http://raw-sewage.net/index.php?file=email
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

  seems that nobody likes FVWM, i dont like to try a lot of things, 
most of WMs mentioned here are not used )-:
Gnome and KDE are OK and used to be my faviorate desktops, however,
they are just too good for  me, ;-) i would like one which is lightweight
and can be fully controlled. i know there must be a lot of excellent WM
around, i just give FVWM a try and stick to it afterwards, i configured
a taskbar, a clock, some menus and nothing more. it's perfect!
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