On 2013-07-31, Bruce Hill <da...@happypenguincomputers.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 01:09:03PM -0500, Canek Pel?ez Vald?s wrote:
>>> Hmmmn, it's a bit freaking weird - if I'm understanding correctly
>>> some of the statements made here about systemd - that there will be
>>> files installed to /etc/init.d/ that don't actually do anything.
>> If you use systemd, all the files installed in /etc/init.d (except
>> functions.sh) don't actually do nothing. If you use OpenRC, all the
>> files installed in /urs/lib/systemd/system don't actually do nothing.
>> Whichever you use (OpenRC or systemd), you will have files in both
>> locations (actually, a bunch of them), and therefore one of those
>> locations will have files that don't actually do nothing.
>> Unless you use INSTALL_MASK, which is of course what this is all about.

> In English "don't actually do nothing" means "do something"; i.e. "don't
> actually do anything" != "don't actually do nothing".

In standard, formal English, that's correct.

However, in some English dialects, a double-negatve does not equate to
a positive.  A double negative is simply a stronger negative.  For
example, "don't do nothing" is a stronger, more emphatic version of
"don't do anything".  Languages like that have "negative concord". 
Old and Middle English were that way, and some modern dialects of
English are that way.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Either CONFESS now or
                                  at               we go to "PEOPLE'S COURT"!!

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