On 31 July 2013, at 19:09, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Stroller
> <strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 31 July 2013, at 18:23, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Whinging about systemd binaries being installed is valid, but whinging
>>> about some data files is not. Anyone who does is letting their OCD show
>>> in ways they really should be keeping private.
>> Hmmmn, it's a bit freaking weird - if I'm understanding correctly some of 
>> the statements made here about systemd - that there will be files installed 
>> to /etc/init.d/ that don't actually do anything.
> If you use systemd, all the files installed in /etc/init.d (except
> functions.sh) don't actually do nothing.

Right, which is a bit freakin' odd, because on most every previous distro and 
other *nix system, that's where the system administrator goes to start and stop 

If they're not used, in this case, I don't think they should be installed.

/etc/init.d is wholly different from /usr/share/package-name/examples 

There are many other directories on the system where it's no problem to have 
some idle, unused, "wasted" files, but /etc/init.d has long been an important 


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