On 31 July 2013, at 20:38, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> ...
>> Heck! Even according to yourself, in the same email, I'm not understanding 
>> it wrong!
>> I've asked you this before - would you stop wrongly telling people they're 
>> wrong, please?
>> Would you please just stop and think "could it be me who is misunderstanding 
>> this?"
>> Could you please just rephrase yourself "I think you may be mistaken". 
>> Whenever it is *you* who is mistaken, you are always assertively and 
>> authoritatively so.
>> This makes it harder for people to question or challenge you, and it ensures 
>> those you misadvise will waste their time with greater determination. "Well, 
>> Alan knows what he's on about, and he said this definitely - there was no 
>> doubt in his statement". 
>> Not only that, it's just plain annoying to be told one is wrong when one is 
>> not. 
> Sure, I can do that.
> I read "that there will be files installed to /etc/init.d/ that don't
> actually do anything" different to what you intended. English can be
> very ambiguous.
> If we take "You are understanding it wrong." out of my mail is the rest OK?

The problem with the rest of that message was that, although accurate, it 
stemmed from the assumption that someone else must have misunderstood. 

A similar explanation had already been given in this thread - I'd read that, 
and that's why I was responding.

Had you instead asked "what do you mean?" or "why does that bother you?" you 
would have given me the opportunity to clarify.

Had I shown a misunderstanding upon further elaboration, that would been your 
opportunity to demonstrate your wisdom.

Everyone here respects your knowledge and experience, it just feels like you're 
in such a rush to be helpful that you assume someone else must've screwed up. 


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