Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 2013-08-02 8:15 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Tanstaafl wrote:
>>> But what about removing the udev-postmount init script? I guess that
>>> is the last question I need answered before jumping down the rabbit
>>> hole Sunday...
>> This is what I have for that from rc-update show:
>> udev-postmount |      default
> Yes, that is what I still have (because I haven't upgraded udev yet)...
> I was just making sure that the instructions for upgrading udev (to
> remove this script) didn't apply to eudev.
>> If you have something that says different, can you post a link?  I'd
>> like to see that.  I don't recall removing any script but again, I was a
>> early switcher.
>> Please excuse the agenda posts by Samuli.  If you chose eudev, like me
>> and plenty of others, use eudev.  It's your system and you know what you
>> need to use.
> No worries... he is why I asked not to use my question to start
> another flamewar, although I guess I should have specified udev <>
> systemd AND udev <> eudev...
> ;)
> Thanks again, looking forward to getting this behind me. Its been a
> long time since I've had zero results when doing an emerge -pvuDN
> world after eix-syncing...

As always, have a sysrescue stick/CD/DVD handy.  If nothing else, it
warns the evil stuff to stay away.  ;-)  I usually keep a mini sledge
hammer close by but . . . .


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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