On 02/11/2013 14:04, hasufell wrote:
> Another round of questioning the users here.
> more specifically:
> * how often do you experience useless rebuilds?

Let's see, that depends.

It mostly mostly on what is happening with poppler and icu today.

Other than those, I don't recall any long-term problems relating to
useless rebuilds; by and large they seem to be valid

> * do you really have a problem with running
> revdep-rebuild/haskell-updater/perl-cleaner etc after every emerge?

No, no problem whatsoever. emerge @preserved -rebuild is my preferred
method, I find it vastly superior to sub-slot operators which

a) involve weird magic in the ebuild and
b) I still don't understand despite reading all the docs I can find on
the matter.

The problem seems to be that preserved-rebuild and revdep-rebuild detect
actual breakage and fix what is really wrong right now.

Subslots seem to try and avoid breakage and depend heavily on amount of
clue from the dev (a highly variable quantity)

> * do you think it's worth the effort to add more stuff to the PM, so
> that you don't have to run revdep-rebuild that often?

No, subslots should be obsoleted, I consider them a failed experiment in
unnecessary complexity. emerge world is already long-running, if I had a
problem with a few more steps after it completes I would write a wrapper

> * do you trust the other methods like subslots or preserved-rebuild to
> work reliably? (as in: do you still use revdep-rebuild?)

yes, revdep-rebuild is my plan C. Occasionally it finds something,
usually itcompletes in about 40 secodns and is clean. I consider those
40 seconds well spent, a final confirmation step

> If you want my opinion on subslots:
> # grep EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS /etc/portage/make.conf
> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ignore-built-slot-operator-deps=y"

Alan McKinnon
Systems Engineer^W Technician
Infrastructure Services
Internet Solutions

+27 11 575 7585

Alan McKinnon

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