Am Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:14:59 +0200
schrieb Alan McKinnon <>:

> On 05/11/2013 11:52, Martin Vaeth wrote:
> > Alan McKinnon <> wrote:
> >> You know what? I'm not convinced.
> >>
> >> What I'm seeing is a rather large towering edifice of complexity to deal
> >> with a problem that is not the general case.
> > 
> > I find it funny that perhaps you did not realize that you repeated
> > the main argument *in favour of subslots* on the dev mailing list:
> It seems to me that you didn't read the whole post fully, and have
> cherry-picked a part that you think bolsters your position. It does not.
> So I will repeat myself in a different way.
> I've run emerge -e world with the result of correcting something perhaps
> 2 or 3 times in 8 years. Let's assume that in the absence of portage
> being able to detect those nasty errors, that this is reasonably
> representative of the actual incidence of actual errors I encountered.
> Let's then be generous and triple it.
> In effect subslots appear to fix something for me about once a year. Is
> my logic^Wguess flawed in any way?

For *you*! You are not everyone, although I'm sure you already know that ;) .
See my Haskell example below for when subslots fix something more often.

> So now we have a rather large complex system that deals with what is
> essentially a minor problem that occurs say once a year.
> I completely understand the problem sub-slots is trying to solve. I'm
> just wondering if the methodology you are using to do it is valid, and
> if it does not become the cure that is worse than the disease.
> Consider for a moment the maintenance burden imposed on ebuild
> maintainers, and how sub-slot notation is essentially added by humans
> deploying human brains. And remember that humans are notoriously bad at
> using mathematically correct solutions (they ... err ... forget to do
> stuff).
> sub-slots, whilst quite likely mathematically correct, has all the
> humans seldom do those things that they should do . If this were not so,
> php would never have been written (just an arb random example)
> I predict once a week fallout from sub-slots induced bugs that was
> intended to fix once a year problem.
> Do you now see why I'm not convinced this is a real-world solution?

I think I see your point, but what is the worst that can happen if somebody
gets a subslot wrong? Since too *many* rebuilds aren't all too terrible (a
waste of time for sure, and potentially annoying, but it won't outright break
anything), I suppose the worst case is too *few* automatic rebuilds, right? So
to me it sounds like you want to throw out the feature altogether because it
won't *always* catch everything. Or what potential bugs are you thinking about
that aren't useless rebuilds? I don't remember any from this thread, but of
course I could have missed something.

But what's the alternative? Telling the user to do it instead? That requires
human input, too: *somebody* has to write the elog message, and such that
any Gentoo user can understand it. Or is your point that one can look for
*fully* automatic solutions, as opposed to solutions where humans have to
provide input? I would expect the portage developers to have thought about it
for a while before settling with the subslot idea.

Now an example of my experience with subslots:

I use pandoc (used by IPython Notebook to convert notebooks to html or
whatever), and it -- along with all it's Haskell dependencies -- uses subslots.
That means that, whenever one of the Haskell dependencies updates, it
automatically rebuilds its reverse dependencies. And most of the time, it works
just fine! That's when I like subslots. Especially since the Haskell packages
are moving targets that update fairly often.

When it doesn't work, I'm stuck looking for what I have to rebuild. As a
matter of fact, I ran into such an issue just now: dev-haskell/texmath is
missing a dependency somewhere, so that pandoc would not compile (or run)
anymore after an upgrade to dev-haskell/aeson. Solution: recompile texmath
manually (a bug report will follow). That was simple, however, since the error
message of the Haskell compiler tells you which libraries are the problem. I
don't think I dislike subslots because of this. It's certainly nothing
preserved-rebuild or revdep-rebuild would find.

So, unless there's an at least equally good alternative, *no* subslots would
mean I would have to re-merge *all* dev-haskell packages after every update,
just to be on the safe side (or iteratively recompile according to what the
error message tells me until I finally catch all packages). I think that would
be slightly more terrible than forgotten subslots ;) .


That said, one can certainly improve the "user interface" to subslots, and I
like the ideas put forth by Martin Väth in I especially like the idea of
having a dynamic set analogous to @preserved-rebuild (under the condition that
it also includes the updates that cause the rebuilds and not just the rebuilds
themselves, in order to avoid breakage). You could call it @subslot-rebuild ;)
or @subslot-upgrade.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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