On Thu, 16 Jan 2014 17:45:14 +0200, Gevisz wrote:

> > # eix handbrake
> > [I] media-video/handbrake
> >      Available versions:  (~)0.9.9 **9999 {fdk ffmpeg gstreamer gtk}
> >      Installed versions:  0.9.9(15:09:43 18/10/2013)(ffmpeg gstreamer
> > gtk -fdk)
> >      Homepage:            http://handbrake.fr/
> >      Description:         Open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform,
> > multithreaded video transcoder.
> > 
> > 
> > handbrake-0.9.9 works very well indeed but it's ~arch. If you don't
> > see it in your output, you need to --sync
> Last time, I updated my portage tree on January 11, 2014.
> So, it is something different. May be, ~amd64.

That's what Alan said, ~arch, as shown by the ~ in front of the version
number in the output from eix.

> Thank you for information, but so far I am trying to keep my system as
> close to the main portage tree as possible and really afraid of any
> masked packaged and even the packages from other overlays.

handbrake-0.9.9 is not masked, it is keyworded, a very different thing.
Masked means there is some reason if should not be generally used,
keyworded just means the ebuild is recent and hasn't yet moved frmo
testing to stable status. It is still in the main portage tree.

> By the way, is there any way to find why any given package is masked
> in the main portage tree?

Yes, ${PORTDIR}/profiles/package.mask contains al the masked packages
along with the reasons for their masking.

> Back to the main topic.
> I have found out the ffmpeg can convert dav to avi but it also
> outputs a lot of error messages. May be, because I use some wrong
> options? I use:
> ffmpeg -i input.dav -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 output.avi     
> The error messages are like these:
> missing picture in access unit with size 27time=00:00:04.92 bitrate=
> 171.6kbits/s non-existing PPS 1 referencedze=     145kB
> time=00:00:08.00 bitrate= 148.5kbits/s [h264 @ 0x2b30ca0]
> decode_slice_header error [h264 @ 0x2b30ca0] no frame!
> Error while decoding stream #0:0: Operation not permitted
> Partitioned H.264 support is incomplete7kB time=00:00:26.04 bitrate=

ffmpeg is a good example of user-hostile software, partly because video
encoding is such a complex subject. Mencoder suffers similarly, which is
why I suggested Handbrake in the first place. Pick your input file,
choose an output preset and hit the big green Start button.

Neil Bothwick

Top Oxymorons Number 6: Pretty ugly

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