On 26/01/2014 20:04, hasufell wrote:
> So, not sure where your optimism comes from.

It comes from watching what happens at the end of running emerge, don't
read any more into it than that. Especially not optimism, I think you
might be projecting your own frustrations.

A couple of years ago I used to have to manually resolve blockers about
one world update in two. It started becoming a huge PITA especially as
the deps are usually easy to solve - if I can look at the screen for a
few seconds and figure it out, then software can do the same in
milliseconds. Recent portages now do this properly when viewed from a
results-only perspective.

On my machines, that is what I see happening. That is the ONLY set of
FACTS I have to work on; you may have more.

I'm willing to give up 4 minutes while emerge runs so I don't have to
spend many more minutes right afterwards doing manually the very shit
that software is very good at. Whether portage is a complete pile of
dogshit software or not is beside the point. Even if it is, my 4 minutes
still buys me lots <shrug>

Alan McKinnon

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