on 01/31/2014 06:35 PM Khumba wrote the following:
> On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 21:29:21 +0200
> Thanasis <thana...@asyr.hopto.org> wrote:
>> Is there a way to specify that I want to install (emerge) the latest
>> 3.10.X series of sys-kernel/gentoo-sources as a slot, in parallel with
>> the latest gentoo-sources?
>> Currently, that would be version 3.10.28.
>> I know I can specify it like so,
>> emerge =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-3.10.28
>> but then it would not get "auto-updated" when a newer version of that
>> series (for example 3.10.29) becomes available in portage.
> I don't have Gentoo in front of me so I can't verify this now, but I
> thought it worked to put the following in your world file:
>     <sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-3.11
> Of course if all 3.10 kernels are removed from the tree then this will
> pull in a wrong kernel, but I *think* that's valid world file
> syntax...

I don't know if what you're suggesting would work, yet if you noticed as
I wrote in the first place, I would also like to pull in the *latest*
gentoo-sources, *independently* of any specific series/subseries.
Do you think it would work?

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