On 16/02/14 18:41, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 16/02/2014 17:46, Tanstaafl wrote:
>> On 2014-02-15 3:32 PM, Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> For Slackware, I have no idea. For Debian, no the only options were[1]:
>>> 1. sysvinit (status quo)
>>> 2. systemd
>>> 3. upstart
>>> 4. openrc (experimental)
>>> 5. One system on Linux, something else on non-linux
>>> 6. multiple
>>> It should also be noted that no one in the TC voted OpenRC above
>>> systemd AND upstart, and that while a couple voted systemd below
>>> everything else, it can be argued that it was a tactical vote.
>>> Regards.
>>> [1]https://wiki.debian.org/Debate/initsystem/
>> I would really, really, REALLY like to see a thorough, civil debate
>> involving those far more knowledgeable than I on the pros and cons of
>> systemd vs OpenRC...
>> As it seems to me, the Debian OpenRC page says that the cons are not
>> nearly as large as the systemd proponents would have us believe.
>> https://wiki.debian.org/Debate/initsystem/openrc
> I don't know much about systemd, I do know openrc.
> Thus far, the only real actual benefit I have seen of systemd that is a
> real issue that really affects me is consolekit. It's not exactly the
> best piece of software out there, comparable to HAL and how it was
> replaced by udev. So systemd replaces and fixes consolekit by providing
> logind.

ConsoleKit works just fine for the features it advertises to have, where
as HAL never did,
so I really don't know what you are referring to?

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