The 20/02/14, Yuri K. Shatroff wrote:

> > (see [2]) will print the status of the Apache web server, and also the
> > last lines from the logs. You can control how many lines. You can
> > check also with the journal, as I showed up.
> I believe it would be a 5-minutes job to add the capability of printing 
> last N log entries for a service to `rc-service status`. Using cat, grep 

If I understand you correctly, what you're proposing is an analyzing
tool which works after-the-facts. I mean extracting the per-daemon logs
from a global log archive whereas systemd works the opposite way, AFAIU.

You solution requires per-daemon extraction rules and have to be
maintained over time. So, postponed to errors.

Definetly not a 5-minutes job.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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