I set up a new machine a couple of months ago, and for some time I've been 
getting an email each day:

  Subject: Cron <root@host> test -x /usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons
  fopen: Permission denied

Taking a look at /etc/cron.daily/ shows only one odd one out:

  $ sudo ls -lh /etc/cron.daily/
  total 16K  
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  180 Feb  4 20:28 logrotate
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  196 Mar  3 09:48 man-db
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  141 Apr 16 14:09 mcelog  
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.3K Feb  4 23:53 mlocate

I *assume* that mcelog is the cron job which is causing this error, although 
the error message is not much to go on. It doesn't have execute permissions 
set, though, so that's what leads me towards this (tentative) conclusion.

I dunno, running it manually gives a different error:

  $ sudo /etc/cron.daily/mcelog
  sudo: /etc/cron.daily/mcelog: command not found

Nevertheless, when I look at the http://mcelog.org/ homepage, specified in the 
package description, it says:

  Traditionally mcelog was run as a cronjob, but this usage is
  deprecated now. The modern way to run it is to start it at
  boot up time and run it always as a daemon.

I tried unmerging app-admin/mcelog and the cron.daily file is removed; then 
remerging (the latest stable version - 1.0_pre3_p20130621-r1) and it's 
reinstalled with the same permissions.

So I guess my question is: is this a bug with the app-admin/mcelog package?

I've got another system which isn't showing this problem, and mcelog is not 
installed. And the system *seems* to be running just fine, despite the 
assertion at mcelog.or that "mcelog is required by … Linux kernels … to log 
machine checks and should run on all Linux systems that need error handling." 

On the system which is showing this problem, app-admin/mcelog is in the world 
file - and it was before I started investigating this problem (I know this 
because I have a clone of that system which I took a few weeks ago), although I 
don't recall ever choosing to install it. 

What is mcelog, and why do I need it, please?


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