William Kenworthy <billk <at> iinet.net.au> writes:

> The bluez-5 stack is causing me some problems. 
> What am I missing/misunderstanding?

These wireless protocols, have many versions (variants) and 
nuances via the prticular hardware that is used. Some light 
reading might better postion you?



net-wireless/bluez-hcidump (never tried this one)

I would think that there should be some open-source Bluetooth packet
sniffers that may help diagnose the problem.

I was able to find :

MAC Address Prefix      Manufacturer
001103  kawamura electric inc.

using the MAC address. Perhaps an email to their tech support
descriping your problems might help?

I suggest you dissect the packets and hardware and look for the issue
to your problem. Can you move the BT device to a winblozs box and 
see if it works? Amplifiers die all the time, particularly if they
are overheated or fed noisy power......

could be hardware or software related..... dissect the pieces,


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