On Thursday 24 Apr 2014 02:11:57 William Kenworthy wrote:

> I was able to get it working manually - gentoo's init scripts are out of
> date with bluez 5, blutoothctl is broken (or probably just poorly
> documented which equates to the same thing if the command doesn't work) .
> In bluetoothctl:
> power on
> scan on
> agent on
> default-agent
> pair <dev_id>
> trust <dev_id>
> exit
> In a shell:
> rfcomm bind rfcomm0 <dev_id>
> do serial port stuff with /dev/rfcomm0
> rfcomm unbind rfcomm0
> bluetoothctl connect command does not work - connects and immediately
> disconnects with an error
> gentoo's rfcomm initscript has removed the -f flag which bluez 5 does
> not have, but it also looks like the bind all in the 5.17 ebuild is also
> not supported by late bluez5 so it immediately exits and no rfcomm
> device is created.
> Ive adapted my python script to the changes now - but the pairing does
> not survive restarting bluetooth so I'll need an expect script to set it
> up each bluetooth re-init as it looks like there are no scripting hooks
> in bluetoothctl.
> BillK

Thanks BillK, your suggestions above helped somewhat, because I was able to 
connect with my phone, but it didn't get me far enough.  I was not able to 
connect with rfcomm to my mobile.  When I ran 'pon <connection_name>' pppd 
started, but I got errors like:

Apr 26 18:15:12 dell_xps chat[29579]:  -- write failed: Transport endpoint is 
not connected
Apr 26 18:15:12 dell_xps chat[29579]: Failed

This was despite the fact that I had created manually the rfcomm0 device and 
binded it to the bdaddr of my phone as you suggested.

Googling for this error revealed that this is because the rfcomm code has 
changed - but there is a patch which may fix things:


I ran out of time and did not try 'rfcomm connect' instead of 'rfcomm bind' to 
see if it makes a difference in my case.

FYI, I'm on net-wireless/bluez-5.15 and kernel 3.12.13-gentoo.

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