James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> [14-06-07 17:52]:
>  <meino.cramer <at> gmx.de> writes:
> > the Logitech c920 HD Pro webcam is able to deliver 1920xq080x30fps
> > (H.264).
> Some interesting notes and comments at the bottom of this page:
> http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/
> Also, in the past, I have found the best comments on various camera
> hardware in the relevant kernel driver. Sometimes that is a unique
> driver, other times it is a unified kernel driver for a similar group
> of video cameras. Sometimes you can go way back to where the kernel
> driver for a given video camera first appeared (got supported) in the linux
> kernel for detailed information on the limitations of a given piece
> of hardware. Often, the poorer performance on Linux, was intentionally
> due to the actions of the manufacturer, particular on max frame rate,
> bit minipulations and other key parameter settings of the cameras. Once 
> folks learned the protocols (decoded them) on windows, they would make
> those adjustments with windows software and reverse engineer the 
> driver software so as to be able to support various linux drivers.
> Logitech is very reasonable (at least compared to other vendors) but even
> there newer hardware rarely works with the best of a given feature set,
> until the product has been out for a while. If not, Logitech should
> have a published interface specification so and to make reverse engineering
> not necessary?
> Dunno know the specifics on the model your listing, as I've been out
> of that 'game' for a while now, but all those tigers still have the same
> stripes....
> Good hunting!
> hth,
> James


I've git "somethiong" working for me:
With vlc "Capture device" and a lot of setting I am able
to wath and record if wanted the stream of the c920.
There is big delay between audio and video (audio delayed)
and a smaller delay between reality and strem (which doesn't
matter in my case).

How can I fix the delay between video and audio?

Best regards,

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