On Friday 18 July 2014 06:54:32 Mick wrote:
> On Thursday 17 Jul 2014 23:48:51 Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > This is my /etc/locale.gen:
> > 
> > en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8
> > en_GB ISO-8859-1
> > en_GB.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15
> > 
> > I don't remember why I still have those last two entries; I expect they
> > date  from before Gentoo adopted UTF-8. Maybe I'll remove them and see
> > what happens.
> The last line is for Western European ASCII character encodings, just like
> en_GB ISO-8859-1, but with the Euro symbol and some other accented
> characters missing from the latter.

Yes, I remember that, just not why I haven't ditched them since UTF-8 took 
over the world.

> Nothing will happen if you remove the last two entries, because (I think)
> that the UTF-8 character encodings cover all these.

That's my uncertainty too.


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