On 07/16/2014 10:21 AM, Dale wrote:
> I'm beginning to wonder about
> those stage3 tarballs for x86.  Do they test those from time to time to
> make sure they work or do they just autobuild them and upload them?  I'm
> following the install guide so I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything
> wrong but at the same time, I don't want to file a bug when it is just me. 

Over the years I remember maybe three times I've had to untar a stage3 on
top of a "working" system, and IIRC the catastrophic problem was glibc each
time :/

Anyway, the first time I tried it I learned that the stage3 overwrites the
existing /etc directory. (That was so painful I remembered to move /etc out
of the way the next two times it did it :)

I mention all this because /etc/locale.conf may not be the file you expect,
based on how your compile environment and chroot stuff is configured, etc.

I been there/done that :)

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