Henrique Lengler <henriqueleng <at> openmailbox.org> writes:

> Hi,
> There is a package on portage that have a bug, the package is officially
> hosted on github, so the software author fixed the bug and committed to 
> git without mark as a new version of the software.
> How can I make gentoo include this software with this bugfix?

What alan has said is correct. But, there are several other paths.
The best one is go to bugs.gentoo.org and file a bug report.
Ask for a "version bump" and include as much as you can of the
relevant details.

Now, rather than ask "how is the maintainer" because often the answer
to that question will not lead to any action, go to the files
of that package and seen who has worked on the code, via the
"ChangeLog file for that code.

Less /usr/portage/media-libs/glyr/ChangeLog/usr/portage/media-libs/gly

To start your journey.

On a version bump it's not hard to copy and edit the ebuild
and file that modified ebuid with your version bump request

vi /usr/portage/media-libs/glyr/glyr-1.0.5.ebuild

Many of the ebuilds I edit, I then install in my /usr/local/protage/....

dir for experimentation, quick install etc etc. Others on this
group can advise you on this path to peack, jouy and harmony,
as you watch Gentoo converge on the things most important to you.
If I can hack ebuilds, *ANYONE* can hack ebuilds. Just ask
my following of fans on this list! (ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha!).

Gentoo herds are deprecated, if you believe what you read on
gentoo-dev. Maybe what we need is a growing and healthy community
of musicians here on Gentoo (i vote YES).....


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