On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 09:02:36PM +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> You have two options. If the ebuild supports it, put the patch file
> in /etc/portage/vat/pkg-version/ and re-emerge it. Many ebuild will pick
> up user patches like this.
> Alternatively, run "ebuild prepare /path/to/ebuild" to unpack the source
> and apply any existing patches. It will tell you where it unpacked the
> code, go there and apply your patch, then run "ebuild
> merge /path/to/ebuild" to compile and install it.
> -- 
> Neil Bothwick

Ok but this patch should be available to others users by default because
it's needed to the correct work of the software.
So what I wanna do is include this code in the source that you get by
emerge install.

Henrique Lengler


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