On 19/09/14 03:18, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2014-09-18, Alec Ten Harmsel <a...@alectenharmsel.com> wrote:
>> Mark David Dumlao wrote:
>>> The code is out there. Freely available. Both systemd and sysvinit.
>>> If you wanted to measure both, you could, literally, in the time it
>>> took since you first posted in this thread till now you could have
>>> measured several times and left mean comments about whichever
>>> system you hated the most.
>> Unfortunately, the systemd guys keep screaming that systemd is faster,
>> and burden of proof is on the party that's claiming something. It's not
>> James'/Volker's responsibility to prove that systemd isn't faster.
> I don't understand all the hoopla about systemd being "faster".
> Faster at what?  
> Booting?
> The only Linux systems where I care about boot time are embedded
> systems which are never going to have the resources needed to run

systemd is targeted at cloud systems and fast booting which is where I
guess redhats focus is these days since they seem to have lost the
desktop space.  The fact that systemd isn't potentially as reliable etc.
is irrelevant when you are looking at a more disposable cloud model
where fast start and short life predominate.

The problem is that systemd is being forced into areas where people
don't want it (inc. me).


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