On Thu, 18 Sep 2014 07:19:21 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> > Is systemd starting to encompass too much? I think so, but who cares?
> > If we want an init manager that reads systemd-like files but doesn't
> > do anything else (hostnamectl, logging, udev, etc.), I guess we'll
> > have to make one.  
> or trim it back. Conceptually, it shouldn't be too hard to remove those
> extra services leaving only an init manager.
> Reading posts over the years (I don't use systemd) most of that stuff
> can be disabled by config in systemd anyway

A lot of it is disabled by default anyway, you have to turn it on if you
want to use it. Otherwise it's just there.

Neil Bothwick

- We are but packets in the internet of Life-

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