Am 29.11.2014 um 11:11 schrieb Pandu Poluan:

> What do you think, people? Shouldn't we offer them our eudev project to
> assist?

After studying their home pages so far I came to the conclusion, that I
cannot take "Devuan" serious. It still feels more like a prank to me
than a serious thing.

First the name "Veteran Unix Admins collective" sounds strange. Nobody
ever heared of them before, they don't have any kind of information on
the web before that announcement of the fork showed up.

Second: they are already asking for donations.

Third, but most important reason: no names on their f***ing pages. Why?
If I would fork a project I would mention popular names right from the
beginning to gain a serious momentum! This has not happened here at all.

Who are those people? Whose behind this so called "fork"? That's a thing
that's still lurking somewhere in the shadows.

Especially the fact, that they don't mention any names at all on their
project pages is something that's really strange to say at last.

So unless those people behind the shadows are coming out of the dark and
going to solidify it's just something many people would like to happen,
of course - but without any substance at all.

That's why I am skeptical about all of this created buzz around it and
seriously doubt if they are going to be able to deliver.

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