On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Bill Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> I am already really annoyed that by default
> systemd and apps designed to work with it leave traces on openrc based
> systems.

You're getting worked up about text files and filenames.  I suppose
you'll be really upset that bash completion files are now being
installed by default, and packages install logrotate configs and cron
scripts even if you don't use logrotate or cron.

Sure, we could add a million more layers of conditionals to everything
and you might save a few dozen inodes on your 10GB install, at the
cost of lots of hassle/bugs/etc.  In general Gentoo tends to take the
pragmatic approach.  If you're a purist of just about any kind you're
going to have to hold your nose.  However, this cuts both ways - the
purists who don't want YOU to be able to make the choices YOU want to
make also have to hold their noses.  :)


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