Am , schrieb Bill Kenworthy:

I read "Veteran Unix Admins collective" as a category that old style
admin types fall into - the background being that systemd is essentially
the old guard, do things based on experience and good practice vs the
new guard whose use case is throw away vm's that are not expected to
hang around, we don't care" amateurs.  I am a native English speaker,
maybe that's why you missed it?

Yes, it is a category and no, I didn't miss that point.

The point though is that the way this fork was being announced is quite simple the worst way to do it. The announcement was not signed by any name and just made by someone named "Majordomo Debianfork." Not that's why I do call a bad way to start such a project and building trust.

Then they are already asking for donations. Yes, of course such a project has the need for donations, true.

But would you spend someone money where you've got no clue whom you are giving it? I won't.

So until they are going to publish a list of names about who's behind this project I for myself am just going to think about it as a more or less nice reminder to the Debian community about that a nother fork with the implicit goal to eliminate Systemd would quite quickly gain much momentum and speed. The goal of such a prank? To make the people think about it and change their opinion that this would not happen.

Well, we are for sure going to see sooner or later, what's the real deal about Devuan.

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