On 14/03/2015 23:49, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 8:32 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Correct. With most Linux package managers, everything is a package and
>> everything has strict dependencies. You install the bits you want and
>> the PM installs the bits it needs.
>> Gentoo is one of the very few PMs that even has a concept of @system at all
> To be honest, I think this is one of its larger deficiencies, and it
> causes many problems.
> IMHO, the only reason we have @system is that devs create dependencies
> entirely by hand and most don't want to actually document what they
> are.  Of course, the need to build packages give Gentoo packages a
> large number of build-time dependencies, but any distro that allows
> packages to be built from source has to deal with this as well.
> Sure, to bootstrap anything you need to start out with something, but
> that doesn't mean that you can't still track what the actual
> dependency relationships are, and in any case our system set is larger
> than the set of packages necessary to bootstrap the rest of the
> distro.  Of course, it is hard to say exactly what is and isn't
> necessary for bootstrapping since we don't capture our dependencies.

That's all very true, witness the frequent bikeshedding in -dev about
what should and shouldn't be in @system. It looks like a simple problem
- you need a toolchain plus all supporting packages plus the minimum
needed to bootstrap userland.

But let's consider this: what level of chaos would arise if @system were
dropped? Surely the problem of tracking all deps would get so out of
hand so quickly, that @system or something equivalent would immediately
be reinstated?

Alan McKinnon

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