eix <arg> 

use to match the <arg> string against all three: 
(1) gentoo tree /usr/portage
(2) the /var/lib/layman/ overlays I had installed and manage with layman
(3) my /usr/local/portage local ebuild placed in /usr/local/portage/

Now, only option (1) shows the embuilds

I can manully part (2) as they are still kept in
/var/lib/layman/  and see all the overlay (ebuilds)

Likewise, I can manually part (3) /usr/local/portage
any a vast collection of ugly ebuilds reside, fat dumb and happy
to not be published, ATM.

but no matter what I try eix shows nothing from (2) or (3) like it 
use to with the only requirement to match the string of the <arg>.

Now I have read all the news items, the new docs like
(https://cgit.gentoo.org/dev/ultrabug.git) and everything else
I can  google.

How do I fix this so a simple (alias if necessary) shows all three
sources of ebuilds on my system like it use to.

Note I have updated eix to app-portage/eix-0.30.11

I have all the files in /etc/portage/repos.conf:
gentoo.conf  java.conf  layman.conf  local.conf

cat layman.conf
main-repo = gentoo

priority = 50
location = /var/lib/layman/alunduil
layman-type = git
auto-sync = yes
sync-uri = git://anongit.gentoo.org/dev/alunduil.git
sync-type = laymansync

priority = 50
location = /var/lib/layman/java
layman-type = git
auto-sync = yes
sync-uri = git://anongit.gentoo.org/proj/java.git
sync-type = laymansync

priority = 50
location = /var/lib/layman/sunrise
layman-type = git
auto-sync = yes
sync-uri = git://anongit.gentoo.org/proj/sunrise-reviewed.git
sync-type = laymansync

priority = 50
location = /var/lib/layman/ultrabug
layman-type = git
auto-sync = yes
sync-uri = git://anongit.gentoo.org/dev/ultrabug.git
sync-type = laymansync

priority = 50
location = /var/lib/layman/xmw
layman-type = git
auto-sync = yes
sync-uri = git://anongit.gentoo.org/dev/xmw.git
sync-type = laymansync

I'd deeply appreciate a wee_bit of insight into this, with particular
attention on the java repos and getting the latest java codes the devs are
making available in the java repo, but not the gentoo tree.


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