Am 28.06.2015 um 23:12 schrieb James:
> eix <arg> 
> use to match the <arg> string against all three: 
> (1) gentoo tree /usr/portage
> (2) the /var/lib/layman/ overlays I had installed and manage with layman
> (3) my /usr/local/portage local ebuild placed in /usr/local/portage/
> Now, only option (1) shows the embuilds
> I can manully part (2) as they are still kept in
> /var/lib/layman/  and see all the overlay (ebuilds)
> Likewise, I can manually part (3) /usr/local/portage
> any a vast collection of ugly ebuilds reside, fat dumb and happy
> to not be published, ATM.
> but no matter what I try eix shows nothing from (2) or (3) like it 
> use to with the only requirement to match the string of the <arg>.
> Now I have read all the news items, the new docs like
> ( and everything else
> I can  google.
> How do I fix this so a simple (alias if necessary) shows all three
> sources of ebuilds on my system like it use to.
> Note I have updated eix to app-portage/eix-0.30.11
> I have all the files in /etc/portage/repos.conf:
> gentoo.conf  java.conf  layman.conf  local.conf
> cat layman.conf
> main-repo = gentoo
> [alunduil]
> priority = 50
> location = /var/lib/layman/alunduil
> layman-type = git
> auto-sync = yes
> sync-uri = git://
> sync-type = laymansync
> [java]
> priority = 50
> location = /var/lib/layman/java
> layman-type = git
> auto-sync = yes
> sync-uri = git://
> sync-type = laymansync
> [sunrise]
> priority = 50
> location = /var/lib/layman/sunrise
> layman-type = git
> auto-sync = yes
> sync-uri = git://
> sync-type = laymansync
> [ultrabug]
> priority = 50
> location = /var/lib/layman/ultrabug
> layman-type = git
> auto-sync = yes
> sync-uri = git://
> sync-type = laymansync
> [xmw]
> priority = 50
> location = /var/lib/layman/xmw
> layman-type = git
> auto-sync = yes
> sync-uri = git://
> sync-type = laymansync
> I'd deeply appreciate a wee_bit of insight into this, with particular
> attention on the java repos and getting the latest java codes the devs are
> making available in the java repo, but not the gentoo tree.
> TIA,
> James

and you use eix-sync? You did eix-update?

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