On 07/13/2015 10:10 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:

With regards to the other replies: I think physical destruction is
unnecessary, and I don't really want to go through the trouble.
If it's "trouble" rather than "fun", then you're doing it wrong. :)

Brilliant statement::

Others favor a high-powered rifle or an 8lb sledge.

In my impetuous youth, The first time I got to work under an old
AT&T unix license, we had several heated debates with nerds from DC
and Jersey..... turns out I was right; you could kill an "phone switch"
with a single shot (and old at&t 3Bx series).

I took out a .338 with a questionable round and one shot turned off
3 out of 4 drives and most of the processors. The a_holes went back
to their  agency; and I lost some very valuable potential clients.
But Grant is most correct!; if it ain't fun why fork with it?

I did become great friends with some folks from the jersey labs......


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