Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwards <at>> writes:

> It turns out that one of the first things you do during a coup in a
> small central/south american county is take over or disable the
> radio-telphone base stations.  [Back then the base stations were much
> higher power and covered much larger areas than a cellular base
> station does these days.]

Yep:: Then when I got my first research lab, guess what was our first
'Big Donation' ?   A semi trailer full of every make of those old at&t
unix systems; from 3B2's own up the ladder to working switchgear.
We wiped them clean and put Mt. Xinu unix (BSD) on them just to tick
off the at&t folks....  Funny thing was they just kept giving us more and
more equipment...

Kids now a days do not get to play with the 'toys' we did in college.
At poker flats [1] we got to shoot off rockets into the ionosphere. Try
that one today.... The father of the modern rocket [2] taught my son
Multi-Variable Calculus.... Small world when you get down to it....

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